Below is a collection of multimedia created by Greg Epstein for use in various mathematics lessons.
A remix of the “So You Think You Can Dance” logo for a math challenge game.
An animation illustrating how the rate of growth changes depending on how often the growth is compounded.
Graphic for a geometry lesson about transformations.
An edited video illustrating imaginary solution to a quadratic equation.
A animated graphic illustrating vertical and horizontal stretch and shrink.
A graphic from a Legend of Zelda themed lesson on triangle mid-segments.
Another graphic from a Legend of Zelda themed lesson on triangle mid-segments.
A video representing the solution a three variable linear system.
A graphic illustrating the difference between segments of a curve that are positive/negative and segments that are increasing/decreasing.
A clean graphic outline the “family tree” of quadrilaterals.
An introductory image for a less on mathematical logic and reasoning.
An edited video demonstrating the power of a parabola and its focus.
A fun image reminding students that parabolas can also open horizontally.
A simple “cheat sheet” illustrating all of the of ways to identify a parallelogram.
A humorous graphic comparing rapper Mos Def to the graphing tool Desmos